Practice Three
Equal & Opposites

Isaac Newton’s 3rd law of motion is evident in every movement we make. “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

When a single joint (e.g. hip, knee, vertebrae) is out of balance, it can affect the entire system.

Explore how every muscle and movement within our body has an equal and opposite. Also known as an agonist and antagonist. By practicing to balance and stabilize across every major joint, each joint becomes more supported and can function smoothly through its full range of motion.

“Our body’s wisdom understands that neutral tension leads to Integrity.”

For example, as you bring your hand closer to the same shoulder (elbow flexion), the two bicep muscles are shortening & contracting as the three tricep muscles are lengthening and extending.

When your hand moves down and away from the shoulder, you will experience the opposite. The two biceps lengthen & extend as the 3 tricep muscles shorten & contract.

For the biceps and triceps to function smoothly means for them to be in balance with one another. For these muscles to flex and extend the elbow joint, and for them to work with shoulder stability & mobility, these muscles insert & attach across the joints in which they support movement.

Balance in this elbow example occurs when the biceps and triceps operate smoothly in their full range of motion.

Imagine this smooth and balanced relationship throughout your body, for example, between the hip flexors and glutes as you walk, run & squat.